Yaara Seeli Seeli - Lekin (1991)

Posted by Nerdyy

A great movie and Dimple turns in the performance of her life. This movie had some great songs as well but this was the pick of the lot - very popular, beautifully composed and sung by Lata who won the National Award for this song.

"seeli" means wet - as in seeli lakdi .. where the wood has some moisture in it (so wont burn) ... yaara seeli seeli birha ke raat ka jalna means the night of seperation is too moist to burn away quickly, i.e. it is passing by too slowly :D

( I found this explanation online but one of my grad student frnds in Dallas had given me a similar explanation)


  1. OH MY GOD I was thinking of the songs from this movie yesterday!

    1. :smoke .. i read ya mind .. be afraid ..be VERY afraid :D bruahahahha

  2. yaaru seeli seeli birha ki raat ka jalna..oops i mean yaara seeli seeli ..
